Most of us remember the day that we took the driver's test on or near our 16th birthday and successfully got our driver’s license. It meant we were on the way to adulthood and we were now mobile. We were no longer dependent on others to transport us from place to place. Our parents may have had other concerns, but they did not understand our joy.
One of the symptoms of dementia is a visuospatial loss. What this means is that we are no longer able to perceive where things are in the space around us visually. This is a real issue when it comes to driving for those with dementia. They are not able to recognize the danger they are in because of the loss of this brain function.
Families may recognize this loss as they look at the senior’s automobile. There are dents, dings, and scrapes. When the individual is asked about these auto body defects, they do not know how they occurred and may deny their existence. They may get upset at the family for suggesting that they are not a great driver. They have never had an auto accident or ticket. The reason for that is because they left the scene of the accident without knowing they were involved and often at fault.
The greatest challenge is when to remove the license for the safety of the senior and the public on the roadways. Occupational therapists that are certified in driver assessment are the first step. A referral from a physician is far more palatable and more likely to be accepted. Once the testing is done, the occupational therapist can communicate with the physician who will notify the State that the license is to be revoked. Geriatric care managers are often called upon to coordinate and facilitate this process and deliver the message. It keeps the family out of the decision making and keeps the family system intact.
If you are afraid to ride with a friend or family member or you will not allow your children to ride with grandpa or grandma, it is time for additional assessment. Contact me for more information about this. It may only require attending a safe driving course, but if it is more than this, as a society and family, we do not want this driver on the road.